The International Forum “Mineral Resources as the Basis of National Sovereignty – Personnel and Innovation Environment” will be held within the framework of the Action Plan of the Russian Federation 2024 BRICS Chairmanship on the eve of the XVI BRICS Summit in Kazan.



universities and companies


The Programme provides for the participation of heads of Federal Ministries and Departments in the field of mineral resources sector, education and science, heads of technical and sectoral universities and institutes, scientific centres and all interested parties from Africa, Latin America, South-East Asia and other countries.

The concept of the event envisages the organisation of panel discussions and round tables in a wide range of areas to discuss topical issues of development of the mineral resources and fuel and energy sectors, as well as related issues of development of higher education systems and training of highly qualified specialists.

The main programme of the Forum will be held in a mixed format at the Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University.

In person

In person participation in the event is possible in case your application is approved by the Organising Committee. In case of a positive decision, a confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address you provided during registration.


Participation in the online format will allow you to join the Forum from any part of the world. The online format provides broadcasting of the main part of the Programme for all registered participants. 

The working languages of the Forum are Russian and English.

The Youth Forum-Contest of Young Researchers from the BRICS countries “Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources” has been held at the Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University since 2005. In recent years, the Forum-competition has been attended by:



universities and companies


Since 2018, the Forum-Contest has been organized under the patronage of the International Competence Centre for Mining Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO.

In 2024, the Forum-Contest will be held within the framework of the Action Plan of the Russian Federation 2024 BRICS Chairmanship.

The Forum-Contest is an open platform for discussion on topical issues related to the development of mineral resources and fuel and energy complexes in Russia and other countries. This year's program includes sessions on promising areas of development for the BRICS mineral resource complex.

Participation in the Forum-Contest is a unique opportunity to present your ideas, developments and projects to an audience of leading experts and authoritative participants from around the world, as well as meet with representatives of government agencies and specialists from the academic and business communities, find potential partners and share their ideas with scientists from other countries.

In person

In person participation in the event is possible in case your application is approved by the Organising Committee. In case of a positive decision, a confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address you provided during registration.


Participation in the online format will allow you to join the Forum from any part of the world. The online format provides broadcasting of the main part of the Programme for all registered participants. 

The working languages of the Forum-Contest are Russian and English.

until September 01, 2024
Registration of participants
until September 20, 2024
Confirmation of in-person participation by the Organising Committee
until October 01, 2024
Issuing invitations and visas
October 15, 2024
Arrival and registration of participants
October 15-18, 2024
Business days
October 18, 2024
Closing ceremony
October 19, 2024
Industrial tour and cultural program
October 20, 2024
Departure of participants

On October 21, 1773, Catherine II wrote on the decree on the establishment of the engineering school for mining ‘may it be so’. This date became the birthday of all higher technical education in Russia.

Today St. Petersburg Mining University trains highly qualified engineering personnel for major Russian and foreign companies engaged in forecasting, prospecting, exploration, development and processing of the most important types of minerals - oil, gas, ores of noble, non-ferrous and rare metals, precious stones.

The university includes 8 faculties:  

  • Geological Exploration; 
  • Oil and Gas; 
  • Mining; 
  • Construction; 
  • Mechanical and Mechanical Engineering; 
  • Mineral Processing; 
  • Economics; 
  • Energy.

A diploma of Saint Petersburg Mining University is a mark of quality, a great ticket to life. The high potential of graduates, confirmed by their labour in various sectors of the economy, clearly demonstrates that the university makes a worthy contribution to the development of the intellectual potential of our society and the economic well-being of the country.

The history of the UNESCO Competence Centre dates back to 2012, when the World Forum of Resource Universities was established on the initiative of St. Petersburg Mining University and Freiberg Mining Academy. Participants of the Forum session developed proposals for UNESCO to unite all the world's leading core universities in order to address global issues of the world economy, train personnel and improve the safety and efficiency of raw materials utilisation.

The UNESCO Competence Centre's mission is in line with the fourth UN Sustainable Development Goal: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

One of the main objectives of the International Competence Centre for Mining Engineering Education is to form a unified approach to the quality of training and the level of minimum threshold knowledge of mining specialists. The Centre also contributes to the creation of favourable conditions for global mobility of students, postgraduates, teachers and scientists of the industry.

Areas of activity: 

  • Carrying out joint innovative research on priority scientific areas of development of the mineral sector.
  • Establishment of core educational and research centres on the basis of leading universities, raw materials and energy companies; holding major and socially significant international events to promote natural sciences and mining education.
  • Creation of a unified system of international professional certification of specialists of the mineral and raw materials complex.
  • Creation of conditions for global mobility of students, postgraduates and teaching staff of the world's universities of raw materials profile and expansion of inter-university co-operation.

The Consortium unites more than 100 universities whose areas of study are related to the training of specialists for Russia's mineral resource complex. 

The goal of the consortium is to increase the level of adaptation of higher education institutions to the demands of the labour market and further integration of large core companies, government authorities and universities.

Collaboration is based on the need to unite the efforts of higher education institutions to create a common educational space within the country by solving the following tasks:

  • Consolidation of intellectual and material resources to improve teaching and methodological work.
    Expansion of publication activity.
  • Increasing the competences of teachers.
  • Providing access for all members of the consortium to the educational infrastructure and unique scientific equipment of the flagship universities.
  • Accumulation of efforts in terms of influencing government structures in order to solve the problems existing in the mining and oil and gas industry, as well as in the system of higher technical education.


Coordinator for Organisational Affairs
Kamyshian Albert Mihaylovich
+7 812 328 89 46
Transfer Coordinator
Pimenov Yuri Sergeevich
Accommodation Coordinator
Aliyeva Leyla


Training Centre No. 1
Russia, 199106, Saint Petersburg,
Vasilievsky Island, 21st line, 2
Multifunctional Complex ‘Gorny’
Russia, 199106, Saint Petersburg,
Vasilievsky Island, Nalichnaya str., 28/16
Travel options
From metro station Vasileostrovskaya:
bus No. 1 - stop ‘Mining Institute’;
bus No. 152 - stop ‘Masljanyj Kanal’;
bus No. 128 - stop ‘Kosaya Liniya’.
From metro station Primorskaya:
trolleybuses No. 10, No. 11 - stop ‘Bolshoy Prospect V.O.’;
buses No. 1, No. 7 - stop ‘Kosaya Liniya’;
bus No. 151 - stop ‘22nd and 23rd lines of V.O.’.


Multifunctional Complex ‘Gorny’
Russia, 199106, Saint Petersburg,
Vasilievsky Island, Nalichnaya str., 28/16
+7 812 382 00 00
Travel options
From metro station Primorskaya:
on foot - 10 minutes;
trolleybus No. 10, buses No. 1, No. 262 - stop ‘Nakhimova Street/Nalichnaya Street’;
trams No. 6, No. 40 - stop ‘Nakhimova Street’.